Tom was raised at a little ranch in Pierce,
Nebraska where they raised Shetland ponies, that they sold all over the United States, order bought dairy cattle, and leased
out beef and dairy bulls. His father was Santa Clause with a herd of ponies pulling the sleigh. Tom had the job
of cleaning the truck when his Dad got home from parading them through different towns so he was never impressed.
From the home ranch he went to college in
Lincoln, Nebraska, where he participated in college rodeo, the block and bridle club and majored in ag. He received
his induction notice from the army at about graduation time so he bucked hay all summer to get in shape. He always jokes
how he was glad he did as most of his outfit had a terrible time at basic training.
He returned to ranching working in the Nebraska
Sand hills then on to work at Fort Robinson and Miles City Range Livestock Experiment Stations before starting to manage private
ranches. Included was a time spent in Alberta with Simmental Breeders of Canada during their growing years and with
Pabe Limited raising and showing imported Chianina cattle. In 1982 we struck out on our own leasing ranches, running our cattle,
cattle for other people and a cattle service where we A I'd for ABS, boarded, fit and showed cattle as well as trimmed feet.
Jo Lee was raised on the family cattle ranch
in the badlands of North Dakota until her folks moved to Canada. She finished high school and a term of college
in Montana before getting married. Moving to Simmental Breeders Limited in 1970 where we got in on the ground floor
of Simmental in North America. Also got to help set up the cattle records for their first 4 years going from 400 head
to 2000 head by receiving heifer calves from semen contracts all over the US and Canada.
We also managed to high school rodeo with
our two children and see them become educated and good hands around livestock. Steve is a supervisor of range conservationists
with the Forest Service and Cindy has gotten her RN and is practicing in Texas. They have given us 8 terrific
At present we are on our son's ranch where
we slowed down and got Tom's knees replaced. We are getting spooled up trimming feet again, have a few Simmental cows
left, and will see what the Good Lord brings on for the future. Jo Lee's doing a little cowboy poetry that you can check
out at